Quality Matters. Choose the Masters.


  • Prep it.

    In most cases, when we are prepping for an egress window, it is enlarging an existing window. We first start by assessing the size, depth of concrete and the header or lentil requirements at the proposed opening. We use teleposts and plastic to create a barrier to the rest of your home or project.

  • Dig it.

    When the prep is complete, we move to the exterior and mark the window well depth and placement against the foundation wall. In some instances, we will use machines but most often we will excavate by hand, especially when the window is adjacent to the driveway. The water collected within the steel window well is directed safely toward the weeping tile.

  • Cut it.

    When it is time to cut the foundation wall to accept our new In-Swing Egress window we carefully mark and proceed to cut leaving a precise opening, specialized saws ensure no over-cutting or weakening of the foundation. All cutting is done on the exterior and with water to eliminate dust inside your home.

  • Install it.

    We install all our windows with industry standard installation methods. Creating a water dam, ensuring positive drainage and using professional grade adhesive foams allow us to leave your home knowing it will last. At this stage we also install built up wood headers with joist hangers, or as your drawings specify.

  • Fasten it.

    Once the egress window installation is complete, it’s time to move on to the steel window well installation and backfilling. The window well is fastened with tapcons and silicone and the backfilling is done incrementally with soil compaction. At this stage, we take the time to divert any water down to the existing weeping tile system.

  • Cap it.

    This is a value-added service that is included with the cost of our egress window installation. This is done for mainly 2 reasons. One is to beautify the exterior of your home as opposed to thick messy caulking other so called experts provide their clients. The other is as a secondary measure of water protection over the lifetime of the window installation.

We at Egress Masters strive to make the window installation process as efficient, hassle-free, and seamless as possible. Understandably, replacing or installing windows can be a significant investment, which is why we make sure that our services are cost-effective and within your budget. With our window installation process, you can expect to have your new windows installed in a speedy and efficient manner. Using our 2-week window installation service, you can have new windows installed at home or in your building without disrupting your schedule.

We install a variety of window types, including aluminum sliding windows, custom-designed windows, and capped aluminum windows of any size. We also install windows from the outside, ensuring that your new windows are perfectly installed. Egress Masters is the ideal company to call if you're seeking affordable home window replacements. The window replacement services we provide are cost-effective, high-quality, and meet your budget requirements. If you need replacement windows for your home or building, we have experienced professionals who will assist you in choosing the right ones for your home or building.